Neighbourhood Houses
Gagebrook Community House (JRS)
Our Mission Statement: The Jordon River Service (JRS) will make a difference by providing a safe place, with opportunities for people to grow and share their skills and knowledge.
We will work collaboratively with community and services to encourage participation, inclusion, diversity and pride.
Our services and activities include:
- Computer training
- Chefs at Home
- Integrated Family Support Service
- Waterbridge Food Co-op – food security project with gardens, pantry and cooking classes (including the Fast Foodies)
- Learner Licence Assist Programme
- NILS providers – for no interest loan scheme
- Scrapbooking
- Emergency relief – including Food Bank and Second Bite Services
- Job Active work for the dole providers – we support community doing practical hands on activities
- Community based training programs are delivered on site.
- Emergency relief
PO Box 120
Bridgewater TAS 7030